Operating Lease
An operating lease allows you to use the vehicle for your business. You pay a monthly payment that covers running expenses including the cost of maintenance, registration and tyres, while VOOM owns the vehicle.
How does it work?
- You apply online for the Operating Lease
- You have the option to choose the contract terms ranging from 24 to 60 months
- You tell us how many kms you expect to drive
- If your application all checks out, you put down a commitment amount, we’ll order the vehicle
- You receive your vehicle
- We pay for your scheduled servicing, maintenance, tyre replacement, infringement management and registration management
- You pay the monthly lease charge and any running costs not covered by that charge
- If you choose the services card, you pay for the fuel and receive any available discounts
- You will need to arrange your own comprehensive insurance and provide a certificate of currency to us as proof
- At the end of the lease you pay any outstanding amounts and give the vehicle back to us
- If you decide to start again with VOOM you can drive away with your next vehicle.
The benefits of an operating lease

- If you are using the vehicle for your business, you may be able to claim the monthly leasing cost as a tax deduction
- Vehicle running costs (e.g. servicing, maintenance, tyres etc) are included in your monthly payment
- The monthly payment remains the same for the life of the lease
- No vehicle depreciation expense
Chat to us today about how this option can fit your business.
Contact VOOM today
Whether your business is large or small, and you're looking for a great deal on a business vehicle, fill in this form and let VOOM help you to get moving.